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Lifelong Committment

By Krista Schaus (Brittain)

Posted on on May 9, 2001

If you had to tell someone in one word the secret to attaining his or her training goals, what would it be? Tough question! I would have to say "patience". One of the most common mistakes amongst beginners, both men and women, is they want overnight results. This is why the supplement industry can charge you and arm a leg for a can full of who-knows-what. They know the large majority will pay up if they think for one minute they will get "super slim" or "ripped abs" within a few weeks by just popping some pills or mixing some powder into a glass. Not many people are willing to take the long, progressive, hard road to goal achievement.

Of course this is not a problem solely for beginners - even seasoned lifters regularly lose site of the big picture when it comes to training. It is something we are constantly struggling with - "keep things in perspective", "take the ego out of it", "be patient", "look to the future", and my favorite "slow progress is the best progress". Ninety percent of the training population would like to see results yesterday if it were possible. Everyone can be unrealistic about their goals - whether a beginner who wants to gain some muscle, a come-back queen who desires to shed 10 pounds, a veteran of the Iron Game dreaming of a killer overhead press or a competitive strength athlete looking towards a PR. Patience, of the utmost, is required.

Say the word quietly and calmly over and over again to yourself. At the same time envision where you are going to be in 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, 10-20 years. Envision that each and every workout between now and that time you have given 100% to your training and have been committed to your goals. You should see yourself achieving your goals ten times over! If your goal is to lose weight you should see yourself as the fittest, leanest, most buff, athletic person on the face of the earth. Want to gain some muscle? The image in your mind should be a Herculean figure, thick, broad and powerful. The funny thing is you think this is just a vision, just a dream BUT you are actually looking directly into your future. The image you see WILL BE YOU!

The reality is that if you have gained 20 pounds or gotten weak, lazy and inactive, or have pencil legs from lack of challenging your poor muscles THAT didn't happen overnight, or even in the last month. It has taken you years of neglect to get to that point. Don't think for a minute that you can get yourself out of that predicament overnight. It takes TIME, PERSISTENCE, DILIGENCE, COMMITMENT and PROGRESSIVE, HARD, HARD WORK.

I am no veteran! Oh no - Not even close. I have been playing the Iron Game for only about four years now, which makes me still pretty wet behind the ears. But, the gains I have made in those four years of progressive, hard work and four years of being persistent, diligent and committed have been absolutely amazing. I have made more gains in the four years of HIT style training than I had in the 10 years of "lifting weights/toning/cardio-queening" before that.

Hang in there! I guarantee you if you just stick with it and just keep adding a little bit to your workout every single workout, whether it be pounds, reps or effort the results WILL come. Do not get sucked in by the promises in the glossy magazines, supplement stores or infomericals. All they want is your money. I want you to succeed. One cannot even begin to complain about not achieving goals in a week, a month or even 6 months. Stick to the plan for at least a year then let's hear what you have to say about results. Give 100% and you will get at least that back.

This is a "Lifetime Commitment" - this commitment to the Iron Game. It is not something carried out for a prescribed period, in order to attain a 10 lb weight loss or get ripped abs goal. It never stops. It is forever. With a "forever" attitude unimaginable things will be accomplished! A 315 lb squat goal by the end of summer? Screw that! How about a 600 lb squat goal in 5 years or a 315 lb squat goal for 20 reps in 2 years? Yes, yes - I know. Small attainable goals are essential. But, do not get down on yourself because you only added 20 lbs to your squat in 6 months. What the heck is 6 months out of a lifetime of lifting. That is SQUAT!

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These past few weeks I lost sight of the "Lifetime Commitment" and being patient. In

writing this article I have seen the light. Being a powerlifter, I have felt confined and imprisoned by the weight class lately and have been struggling with the dilemma of staying in my weight class and making gains (a nearly impossible goal). This article has solved my problem. Weight class!?! I didn't get into powerlifting with any thoughts of weight classes. I wanted to compete in powerlifting to attain my goal of being as strong as I possibly could. I am now training without concerns of what class I may weigh in at. I am training to gain. I am looking down the road. Who cares about the next contest or even next year, I am dreaming about the weights that I will be moving when I am a Grandma!

PATIENCE my friends, it pays off. Good things WILL come to those who wait. You'll see.



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